IMPORTANT NOTICE: All children ages 9 and under must be supervised AT ALL TIMES by an adult. For the protection and safety of all our guests, our guards are trained to prevent and protect from emergencies not to watch or babysit children. Thank you!

Join us at Oasis for the “cool” water heated to a comfortable 83 degrees! The water features will be open daily starting June 1 -August 31, 2024 (weather permitting).

Daily passes purchased at gate.
Operating Hours
Daily during summer season (weather permitting): 12pm – 7pm
Morning WaveSurfer exclusive reservations: 9am-11am
Evening WaveSurfer exclusive reservation: 7pm-9pm

About Oasis

A project of the non-profit Better Billings Foundation in collaboration with Harvest Church, Oasis is Billings’ and the surrounding area’s most extensive out door aquatic facility.

With more amenities and opportunities for family fun this exhilarating public facility provides enjoyment for all ages. As an organization we value potential, our desire is that families and youth will recreate and exercise together to improve their overall quality of life. Families just do better when the hang out together and Oasis is a great place to do just that!

Park Rules

  1. No outside food or beverages allowed. Please visit Island Oasis concessions and Oasis kiosk for great food selection including some healthy choice items in addition to standard concession fair.
  2. Personal shade structures over 5 feet are not allowed for safety others and liability reasons.
  3. Personal floatation devices are not allowed in the park other than approved life jackets and toddler tubes.
  4. In order to provide a controlled, safe and fun environment for all, Oasis requires that there be a supervising adult for every 4 children under the age of 10. Thank you for your cooperation!

Pool Rules

  1. All bathers, before entering the swimming pool, shall be required to take a cleansing shower bath. A bather leaving the pool to use the toilet shall take a second cleansing bath before returning to the swimming pool room.
  2. Persons having or reasonably suspected to have any considerable area of exposed sub-epidermal tissue, cuts, or known recognizable contagious or communicable diseases, cough, cold, open sore, blisters, bandaged wound, fever, inflammation of the eyes, nasal or ear discharges, shall not be allowed to enter the pool water.
  3. Spitting, urinating, blowing of the nose, spouting of water or deposit foreign matter in a pool shall be strictly prohibited.
  4. Bottles, crockery, glassware, or other hazardous objects shall not be permitted within the pool fence area, pool room, bathhouse facilities, or in the swimming pool or on the deck area.
  5. No children should be in the pool without adult supervision.
  6. No person shall bring or throw into the pool, or its floors, walkways, aisles, or dressing rooms, any object that may in any way carry contamination or endanger the safety of any bather.
  7. Any person suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall be prohibited from entering the pool.
  8. Unsupervised solo bathing shall be strictly prohibited.
  9. Consumption of food and or beverages and use of tobacco products shall not be permitted in the swimming pool or on the deck area within four (4) feet of the pool curb.
  10. All animals with the exception of guide animals for the handicap shall be prohibited within the pool fence, pool room or bathhouse facilities.
  11. Use of pool shall be prohibited during an electrical storm.
  12. No diving is permitted off the deck into shallow areas of the pool.
  13. No running, boisterous or rough play, except supervised water sports, shall be permitted in the pool, on the decks, diving boards, floats, platforms, or in dressing rooms, shower rooms, etc.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy for Waterpark activities including Splash and Bash parties, Swimming Lessons and Ripbreak WaveSurfer reservations.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances, including inclement weather, may arise and impact the successful execution of your event or activity. To ensure a transparent and fair cancellation process, we have established the following cancellation policy:

Inclement Weather Definition:

  • Inclement weather refers to adverse conditions such as heavy rain, thunderstorms, high winds, or any other weather condition that poses a risk to the safety of attendees, staff, or the overall success of the event or activity.

Cancellation Decision:

  • The decision to cancel the event or activity due to inclement weather will be made by The Oasis management prior to the scheduled start time but due to quickly changing weather conditions may not be cancelled until the scheduled time of the event. This decision will be based on weather forecasts, safety considerations, and the feasibility of hosting a successful event.

Communication of Cancellation:

  • In the event of cancellation, all registered participants, vendors, and stakeholders will be notified via email, text message, and/or our official social media channels and phone message.

Refund Policy:

  • If the event is canceled due to inclement weather, registered participants will be eligible for a full refund of their registration fees. Refunds will be processed automatically using the original payment method within 2 business days after the cancellation announcement.
  • Guests who have been in the park for less than 2 hours will receive a rain check in the event that the park does not reopen within 1.5 hours of the closing due to force majeure events. (Unforeseen circumstances)

Rescheduling Option:

  • In certain cases, we may explore the possibility of rescheduling the event to a later date. Participants unable to attend the rescheduled date will still be eligible for a full refund.

No-Show or Late Cancellation:

  • Participants who do not attend the event or activity without canceling or those who cancel within 24 hours of the scheduled start time will NOT be eligible for a refund. It is the responsibility of participants to check for cancellation updates in a timely manner.

Force Majeure:

  • The Oasis reserves the right to cancel the event or activity without liability in the case of force majeure events, including but not limited to acts of nature, government regulations, or any other circumstances beyond our control.

By registering for our outdoor activity, participants acknowledge and accept the terms of this cancellation policy. We recommend staying informed through our official communication channels for real-time updates regarding the status of the events or activities.

Book an Event

Are you interested in renting Oasis for a corporate outing, youth group or celebration? YOU CAN!